We are very happy to welcome the BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing) as new participating institution in the NFDI4Chem consortium.

Especially Dr. Jens Riedel from the Instrumental Analytics Division and Dr. Rukeia El-Athman from the eScience section will engage with the NFDI4Chem task areas from now on.
The expertise, which the teams at the BAM offer, are a perfect addition to the existing NFDI4Chem working groups. Especially task areas 2, 4 and 6 will greatly benefit from our new member:
The BAM will contribute to the development of metadata and ontologies for analytical chemistry techniques, such as Raman-spectroscopy, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry in TA4 (Task 4.2.2) and TA6 (Task 6.1.2). These developments will be tested through the implementation into the Open Source research data management and electronic laboratory notebook software openBIS, which is used at the BAM, and thus contribute to TA2 as well.
Through its intense contacts with similar institutions and standards bodies nationally, in Europe and globally (e.g., NPL, EMPA, NIST, NIMS, DIN, CEN, ISO, etc.), the BAM will be able to support NFDI4Chem’s international networking and collaboration in standards developments and data exchange in TA6.