Get to Know the Consortium: TA 3!
Matthias Razum is head of the e-Research department at FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure. He studied business informatics. After his diploma, he joined FIZ Karlsruhe in 1995 […]
Matthias Razum is head of the e-Research department at FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure. He studied business informatics. After his diploma, he joined FIZ Karlsruhe in 1995 […]
NFDI4Chem proudly announces the launch of its Terminology Service for the Chemistry community. What is it good for, you ask? As you probably know, the FAIR data principles play a […]
NFDI4Chem has been created as a consortium within the NFDI e.V. and has confirmed its spokespersons at its first general meeting. The “Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur eingetragener Verein” (NFDI e.V.; e.V. is […]
Did you know that MassBank data is now literally stored on ice for a thousand years? At the beginning of February last year (precisely on 02.02.2020!) GitHub took a snapshot […]
Allow us to introduce one of our cooperation partners to you, the NMRium project. NMRium is a joint project of Zakodium, a chemoinformatics company from Switzerland, and the DFG-funded IDNMR […]
Nicole Jung studied chemistry at the University of Frankfurt am Main. After her diploma in 2004 she changed to KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (formerly: University Karlsruhe (TH)), where she […]
The NFDI4Chem Helpdesk, the first service of the NFDI4Chem is live! The Helpdesk team is the first point of contact for all questions regarding the NFDI4Chem initiative as well as […]
The Place for Discussions Around Chemotion and more In January, our monthly “Stammtisch” on the electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) and repository Chemotion opened with a brief summary of the NFDI4Chem […]
Christoph Steinbeck studied chemistry at the University of Bonn, where he received his diploma and doctoral degree at the Institute of Organic Chemistry. His doctoral thesis focused on computer-assisted structure […]
Ontologies can help describe research objects, processes, and results in a way that not only humans but also machines can understand and work with. This paves the way for merging […]