Saving time with ELN and Repositories
3 use-case stories help to understand, how and why using an ELN and a repository doesn’t cost time, but saves it.
3 use-case stories help to understand, how and why using an ELN and a repository doesn’t cost time, but saves it.
Report from the 8th Consortium Meeting.
Interview with Robin Lenz from the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, the 2024 award winner.
About the advantages of using an electronic lab notebook and experiences of introducing it in a research lab.
Interview with Prof. Dr. Georg Manolikakes from the RPTU Kaiserslautern, how to teach digital tools in a practical course.
On 26th and 27th March, the InChI Trust came together at the CCDC headquarter in Cambridge. The InChI is the molecular identifier guarded by the IUPAC and needed for chemical […]
On 25th and 26th March, international stakeholders in the field of digital standards in chemistry assembled at the CCDC headquarter in Cambridge. This workshop was organised by the IUPAC, the […]
Mid of March, more than 280 chemists gathered for three days in Aachen for the famous Chemiedozententagung. The program featured almost 90 excellent talks by young professionals from all branches […]
Another new release of Chemotion Repository is out! Take a look at some of our highlights.
The recent integration of a curated collection of these identified repositories into FAIRsharing is an important milestone.