Daniel Kowalczyk wins FAIR4Chem Award
Today, we are happy to present a winner from the pool of applicants.
Today, we are happy to present a winner from the pool of applicants.
Lessons learned from a research data management workshop at the consortium meeting in Halle.
The NFDI4Chem-supported euroSAMPL challenge combined molecular property predictions with peer evaluation of data FAIRness
3 use-case stories help to understand, how and why using an ELN and a repository doesn’t cost time, but saves it.
Interview with Robin Lenz from the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, the 2024 award winner.
About the advantages of using an electronic lab notebook and experiences of introducing it in a research lab.
Interview with Prof. Dr. Georg Manolikakes from the RPTU Kaiserslautern, how to teach digital tools in a practical course.
Interview with Dr. Johanna R. Bruckner, winner of the FAIR4Chem Award 2023.