Practical RDM in University Education
Lessons learned from a research data management workshop at the consortium meeting in Halle.
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Lessons learned from a research data management workshop at the consortium meeting in Halle.
Artificial intelligence in chemistry – an overview
For two days, members of the consortium, of the Advisory Boards and guests discussed FAIR data and data infrastructures in chemistry.
Reports from the NFDI4Chem Metadatathon and the Metadata4Chem online meeting with UK-PSDI.
This overview provides information on the collaborations, the number of which has doubled since the last publication.
The latest version 1.07 of the International Chemical Identifier has been approved.
NFDI4Chem attends the 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Dublin
In June 2024, a hackathon took place at the TU Braunschweig with members from 4 working groups for Theoretical Chemistry.
Our latest report highlights our steps to integrate a data-centric approach within the chemistry community.
Since the beginning of June 24, Ulm University has been an official participating institution of NFDI4Chem.