This year we also had two changes in the composition of our advisory boards.
In October Prof. Ulrike Holzgrabe, Institute of Pharmacy & Food Chemistry, University of Würzburg and representative of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), has retired from our National community advisory board. We thank Prof. Holzgrabe very much for her time and support for NFDI4Chem.

As her successor we welcome Prof. Stefan Laufer, Pharmaceutical Institute, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen as new member of the National community advisory board, representing DPhG and the pharmaceutical community. Prof. Laufer obtained his PhD in pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of Regensburg in 1989. He was appointed to Chairman for Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Head of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Tübingen in 1999. He is member of the DPhG (President 2016-2019, Vice President 2012-2015) and author of more than 500 publications.

The second change was in the Industry advisory board. We warmly welcome Dr. Josef Eiblmaier from OSTHUS. Dr. Eiblmaier obtained his PhD in chemistry at the TU Munich in 1998. He has worked at InfoChem GmbH as developer, project manager and was part of the InfoChem management team. Since 2021 he has been working as a management consultant at OSTHUS in Aachen. The addition of Dr. Eiblmaier strengthens the expertise in data standards and data management in R&D in the chemical industry.