Mid of March, more than 280 chemists gathered for three days in Aachen for the famous Chemiedozententagung. The program featured almost 90 excellent talks by young professionals from all branches of chemistry. Additionally, it included several award ceremonies by GDCh. We congratulate the Carl-Duisberg awardee Prof. Dr. Corina Andronescu, the ADUC awardees Dr. Jula Pospech and Dr. Moritz Malischewski as well as the Primo-Levi awardee Prof. Dr. Henning Hopf and Dr. Eva Wille to the Gmelin-Beilstein commemorative coin. Photos of the event are online at GDCh.
On top to the classical programme, this year´s CDT offered a full session on digitization in chemistry. This session comprised a plenary talk by Prof. Stefan Bräse (KIT) on digitalized and automated chemistry, talks by Dr. Greta Heydenrych from IUPAC about the common language of chemisty and Aimee Nixon on artificial intelligence in the publishing process. Moreover, the session was rounded by a panel discussion on FAIR data in the publishing process.
Stakeholders ranging from publishers to funders participated in the discussion. Dr. Axel Straube (Wiley-VCH), Dr. Mark Kielmann (Beilstein), Aimee Nixon (DeGruyter), Dr. Daniel Pursche (DFG), Dr. Jochen Johannsen (UB RWTH Aachen University) and Dr. Greta Heydenrych (IUPAC) took part. They all highlighted the importance of FAIR data for the future of chemistry. FAIR data empower the reproducibility of data and thus, enhance the credibility of science. Moreover, the FAIRness of data enables machine-learning applications in chemistry. All panelists agreed the chemical community needs a cultural change during chemistry’s digital transformation.

In order to showcase to the community what is already possible now to make data FAIR, NFDI4Chem organised two compact workshops for the participants of the CDT24. Of course, NFDI4Chem was again presented by a booth to be available for all participants for questions and support throughout the whole conference.