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Chemotion ELN Hands-on Workshop at Münster University (IRTG 2678)

Mai 20 , 9:00 16:00 CEST

In our workshop, we introduce the electronic laboratory notebook Chemotion and its features for beginners following a “learning by doing”- concept. Members of our Chemotion team will explain the various features of the ELN in several learning units. The units are accompanied by specific exercises in which you will create and edit ELN entries interactively. During the exercises, questions and arising problems can be discussed with the Chemotion trainers directly. You do not need to have Chemotion installed as we will provide access to training instances.

The workshop will introduce the basic features and functions of the Chemotion ELN. NFDI4Chem organizes this workshop for the IRTG 2678 at Münster University for all interested Chemists, for PhD students and above. The workshop will be on location in Münster (Institute of Organic Chemistry (OC/BC I) – Room 504/504a (5. OG), Corrensstrasse 36, 48149 Münster) and held in English. A hybrid solution is not possible. If you have any questions, please contact our helpdesk via and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Costs: Free

Venue: Institute of Organic Chemistry (OC/BC I) – Room 504/504a (5. OG), Corrensstrasse 36, 48149 Münster

Duration: 9 am to 4 pm

Institute of Organic Chemistry (OC/BC I) – Room 504/504a (5. OG)

Corrensstrasse 36
Münster, 48149 Germany
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