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NFDI4Chem @ IUPAC Webinar: What is a chemical?

17.02.2023 @ 17:00 18:30 CET

NFDI4Chem @ IUPAC-Webinar: What is a chemical? Innovation in chemical descriptions

The IUPAC WorldFAIR Chemistry project is pleased to invite you to attend the fourth webinar of our series titled “What is a Chemical? : Innovation in Chemical descriptions. We are focusing on innovations and creative approaches to chemical description, particularly those that address chemicals in complex systems: such as reactions, multiple-component systems/mixtures, complexes, composites, formulations, and using these in different computational settings, representation services, tools, and mechanisms.

The webinar series highlights the current status of working with descriptions of chemical substances, development of digital tools to transform chemical data notation into digital entities, and ways to implement FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data principles across the chemical enterprise.

This webinar will last for 90 min, and we have invited 5 guest speakers to present their perspectives on the use of chemical substance notation” in their field within a 5 min flash presentation for each speaker. This will be followed by a panel discussion.

This event is part of the Love Data week

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