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NFDI4Chem Webinar
29.07.2020,10:00-11:00 CEST
Watch the recording of the webinar on youtube
In this webinar we will present the vision and the planned work packages of the chemistry consortium NFDI4Chem. NFDI4Chem aims to digitise all key steps in chemical research. NFDI4Chem supports scientists in their efforts to collect, store, process, analyse, disclose and re-use research data. Measures to promote Open Science and Research Data Management in agreement with the FAIR data principles are fundamental aims of NFDI4Chem to serve the community with a holistic concept for access to research data. To this end, the overarching objective is the development and maintenance of a national research data infrastructure for the research domain of chemistry in Germany, and to enable innovative services and novel scientific approaches based on re-use of research data. NFDI4Chem intends to represent all disciplines of chemistry in academia. We aim to collaborate closely with thematically related consortia. In the initial phase, NFDI4Chem focuses on data related to molecules and reactions including data for their experimental and theoretical characterisation.
Meeting chaired by Prof. Dr. Sonja Herres-Pawlis (RWTH)
10.00 am NFDI4Chem – the national research data infrastructure for chemistry, Prof. Dr. Christoph Steinbeck, University of Jena and Dr. Oliver Koepler, TIB
10.30 am Special focus today: ELNs and the SmartLab vision of NFDI4Chem, Dr. Nicole Jung, KIT
10.45 am Question & Answers with all speakers