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03.11.2021 , 15:00 18:00 CET

Please register here for workshop “Editors4Chem”, which will be held on November 3rd @ 15:00-18:00 CET (for other time zones, see below) via Zoom. The workshop organisation is a joint effort between the German NFDI4Chem consortium and the IUPAC Committee on Publications and Cheminformatics Data Standards, represented by Leah McEwen (Chair) and Vincent Scalfani (Chair, Cheminformatics Subcommittee). The aim of the workshop is to bring together journal editors, developers of standards and infrastructures and enthusiastic chemists to work on measures to increase the deposition and appreciation of FAIR data associated with scholarly publications. In particular, we aim to initiate development of:
  • a FAIR publishing toolkit for chemistry data
  • workflows and value incentives for depositing research data into repositories
  • a roadmap for community-driven minimum information guideline work groups
The number of participants will be limited to ensure a productive work atmosphere and to foster results-oriented discussions. Zoom details will be communicated upon registration. See here for a table of time zones. IUPAC - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry         


Time (CET) Title Speaker/Moderator
3:00 pm Welcome & Introduction Steffen Neumann (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry Halle, NFDI4Chem)
Introducing NFDI4Chem Oliver Koepler (German National Library of Science and Technology Hannover, NFDI4Chem)
Current IUPAC activities on RDM / Standards / Publishing Leah McEwen (Cornell University, IUPAC) and Vincent Scalfani (University of Alabama, IUPAC)
3:30 pm Topic: FAIR publishing toolkit for chemistry data
A decade of experience on Reporting Standards and Data Sharing at the Metabolomics journal Warwick Dunn (University of Birmingham)
Chemistry journals‘ author guidelines from the perspective of research data Tillmann Fischer (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry Halle, NFDI4Chem)
4:00 pm Topic: Workflows and value incentives for depositing research data into repositories
FAIR data publishing workflows in chemistry repositories Felix Bach (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, NFDI4Chem)
Designing infrastructure that supports scientists with efficient data publishing tools Nicole Jung (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, NFDI4Chem)
4:30 pm Break
4:45 pm Topic: Roadmap for community-driven minimum information guideline development work groups
STRENDA and MIRAGE; Examples of Community-Based Data Reporting Standardization Initiatives Carsten Kettner (Beilstein Institute, Frankfurt)
5:00 pm Group picture
5:10 pm Discussions:
  1. FAIR publishing toolkit for chemistry data
  2. Workflows and value incentives for depositing research data into repositories
  3. Roadmap for community-driven minimum information guideline development work groups
Moderated by Steffen Neumann (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry Halle, NFDI4Chem), Leah McEwen (Cornell University, IUPAC), Vincent Scalfani (University of Alabama, IUPAC)
5:50 pm Wrapup and next steps Leah McEwen (Cornell University, IUPAC), Vincent Scalfani (University of Alabama, IUPAC) and Steffen Neumann (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry Halle, NFDI4Chem)


15:00-18:00 CET




Registrations are closed for this event