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Digital Data Standards Sustainability in the Chemical Sciences

April 3 , 9:00 April 4 , 15:30 CEST

Community experts in digital standards development are converging to develop strategies for adoption and promotion of chemistry standards in FAIR data exchange. The goal is to translate these into practice through the development of community assets that facilitate implementation of standards into FAIR data workflows to enhance interoperability. Hosted by the Center for the Transformation of Chemistry (CTC) in conjunction with the Beilstein-Institut, the InChI Trust, the IUPAC WorldFAIR Chemistry project and NFDI4Chem, this workshop is the second in a series of community activities building on collective pre-competitive approaches and business models for developing, adopting and sustaining broadly applicable and interoperable chemistry data and information standards. 

The need for consistent reporting and exchange of chemical data and information globally is more compelling than ever before. As the predominance of AI scales up and changes the rules for development and dissemination, we face new challenges and opportunities to ensure the high level of integrity we rely on for chemical data. FAIR provides a framework to implement data exchange standards and facilitate programmatic access to chemistry data. Ongoing refinement of current processes and tools is needed to enable interoperable flow of chemical information across sectors and disciplines.

The main outcomes we will target are to:

  • Articulate use cases and parameters for chemistry data reuse across sectors and disciplines. 
  • Crystalize community assets to support chemistry standards adoption, including standards mapping and data harmonization.   
  • Establish a community coalition and collaboration model for ongoing community resource development. 
  • Develop collective messaging and value propositions for adoption and sustainable business models.   


What: Invited workshop, two days; hosted by Center for Transforming Chemistry (CTC) in conjunction with IUPAC WorldFAIR, NFDI4Chem, Beilstein-Institut, and InChI-Trust   

Why: Sustainability perennial challenge for pre-competitive, community based resources; a collective approach is critical as broad agreement/engagement is needed for interoperable data standard notations 
Where: Delitzsch (near Leipzig), Germany

When: April 3-4, 2025 (Thursday morning through Friday afternoon, with an optional on Saturday morning)

Who: 50-60 expert participants from chemical data initiatives addressing sustainable digital standards development

Resources: Materials will be distributed ahead of time to get you familiarized with the workshop scope.

Meals and coffee breaks: Networking is encouraged and meals and coffee will be provided 


Thursday, 3 AprilSessions, 9:00 – 17:00, Dinner 18:30
Friday, 4 AprilSessions, 9:00 – 15:30
Saturday, 5 April (optional)Session, 9am – 12:00 pm, Lunch: 12:00-13:00

More details are coming. We are aiming for an interactive discussion throughout this event. 

Registrations are closed for this event