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FAIR Research Data Management: Basics for Chemists in Leipzig

February 13 , 9:00 February 14 , 15:00 CET

Good Research Data Management (RDM) is essential to ensure that your research data is FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). In this two-day course we will guide you through the basics of RDM and apply them to a chemical context.

NFDI4Chem is organising this workshop at the University of Leipzig for all interested chemists, PhD students and above. We consider it important not only to present chemistry-specific content and solutions, but also to take local conditions into account. For this purpose we are working together with the Research Training Group Hydrogen Isotopes 123H, the local RDM team and local ELN experts to address local specifics, needs, offers and services.

The workshop will take place in Leipzig and will be held in English. Registration will be open until 12.02.2025, 6 pm. If you have any questions, please contact our helpdesk at helpdesk@nfdi4chem.de and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Costs: Free

Venue: Johannisallee 29, 04103 Leipzig / Room 014 

Duration: 2 days, each from 9 am to 3 pm

Content of entry level Workshop for RDM beginners:

The Basics of RDMFAIR principles, Data Life Cycle
Data Quality & DocumentationData Organisation, Metadata, Standards, Controlled Vocabulary, Chemical Identifiers, Process Management
Electronic Lab NotebooksGeneral Information, Chemotion ELN, eLabFTW
Data Loss & PreservationStorage, Backup, Archiving
Publishing DataGeneral Information, Repositories, Publishing in RADAR4Chem
Legal FrameworkPolicies, Copyright
Data Management PlansGeneral Information, Tools

Johannisallee 29, 04103 Leipzig / Room 014

Johannisallee 29
Leipzig, 04103 Germany
+ Google Map

Registrations are closed for this event