The latest version 1.07 of the International Chemical Identifier (InChI), a standard for chemical data connectivity and interoperability, has been approved by IUPAC and the InChI Trust. This version is available on GitHub and comes with an MIT license. It offers full backward compatibility, numerous bug fixes and a solid foundation for future enhancements and maintenance.
The migration of the InChI code to GitHub supports the sustainable development of chemical standards. Users can test the new version via a web demo (, which makes it possible to draw chemical structures in the browser and calculate the InChI.
We are particularly pleased because Sonja Herres-Pawlis, one of our co-speakers, is involved in the further development. Having been involved in the further development of the InChI code for inorganic chemistry for many years, she was appointed to the management committee in 2023.
Future extensions of the standard, including applications for mixtures and reactions, are being planned.