Are you confronted with research data management in chemistry and are feeling lost?
NFDI4Chem is proud to announce the launch of its knowledge base.

We were so impressed by Elixir-Converge’s RDMKit that we adopted its architecture as a starting point. You can enter the knowledge base via different points of entry. Choose your role (e.g. group leader, student) to find out what topics are particularly relevant to you. Entry via your specific sub-discipline of chemistry such as synthetic organic or inorganic chemistry will give you key information on the analytical methods used for your sub-discipline and how to deal with the data they produce in a FAIR (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) way.
Entry points
Each point of entry will help you navigate the knowledge base’s articles on research data management topics which have been specifically adapted to a chemistry context. A selection of articles found in the knowledge base are: metadata, ontologies, machine readable chemical structure, data management plans, and many more.
We have dedicated a whole section of articles to handling data—how you can best organise, document, store, and publish data. Furthermore, you can access templates we have developed via the knowledge base (such as data availability statements).
The articles are all curated in a GitHub repository and everyone is welcome to contribute to the knowledge base. All articles so far have been authored by an appropriate expert and subsequently reviewed by our editorial team.
Should you wish to author a new article or contribute to an existing one, please get in touch with us via