News Archive

RDM-Workshop in Stuttgart – soon at your institute? - Did you know that you can book a free in-house workshop on research data management at NFDI4Chem, e.g. for two days? Our last RDM-Workshop took place in mid-June in Stuttgart,…
NFDI4Chem at ACS Spring and Fall - Talks, Workshops and Networking in Indianapolis and San Francisco. Earlier this year, NFDI4Chem attended the American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring Meeting in Indianapolis (March 26-30). It was great to see…

InChI Workshop on Inorganic Stereochemistry - RWTH Aachen, May 10 and 11, 2023 Organised by Sonja Herres-Pawlis (RWTH Aachen, Germany) and Gerd Blanke (InChI Trust) For the next release the developers of InChI are working on…

Refreshed Workshop Concept - Specific NFDI4Chem workshops available to serve the needs of the community
Best Practice Using RADAR4Chem - Data on collaboration with chemical engineers deposited in RADAR4Chem
News from RADAR4Chem - In the December 2022 software release, the FAIRness of RADAR4Chem was further optimised.
New Board Member of the InChI Trust - Strengthening the InChI for integration of molecular inorganic chemistry The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is a non-proprietary identifier for chemical substances. It enables easier linking of different data collections.…
FAIR4Chem Award 2023 – The winners - The awards were presented on March 23rd at the Spring Symposium of the GDCh JungChemikerForum in Gießen
Hacking4Chem - In December the first BioHackathon Germany was organised by the team of the German ELIXIR node.
Error Culture in Science - "Researchers are afraid of publishing their data „because others may discover mistakes". A panel discussion about error culture und cultural change.
NFDI4Chem Terminology Service V2.0 is Launched - Interested in ontologies in the field of chemistry or closely related disciplines? Then you should definitely take a closer look at our redesigned Terminology Service!
NFDI4Chem Search Service is Live - You are looking for datasets in the context of chemistry and are tired of searching countless repositories one by one? Then our new Search Service is exactly what you need!
Changes in our Advisory Boards - This year we also had two changes in the composition of our advisory boards.
New Participants - We are very pleased to welcome Prof. Jürgen Pleiss, Institute of Biochemistry and Technical Biochemistry at the University Stuttgart as new participant in the NFDI4Chem consortium.
Lead by Example – Data Pledge - Our Lead-by-Example collection aims to provide a large body of real datasets to document the process of evolving FAIRness of research data, to surface practical issues, and to suggest improvements.
Reaching out! - NFDI4Chem has been busy in the latter half of the year visiting many events such as conferences. Here, important connections for NFDI4Chem with key organisations were established.
NFDI4Chem at Tag der Forschungsdaten - NFDI4Chem was there and held flash talks in two parallel sessions: One about “Metadata, Ontologies and Standards”, and another about “Training and Awareness”.
Call for Minimum Information Standards in Chemistry Published in Angewandte Chemie - Many funders require RDM because experiments are often paid for by taxpayers and the resulting data should be deposited sustainably for posterity. However, paper notebooks are still common in laboratories.
NFDI4Chem at NFDI Info Event at Uni Hannover - On November 2, NFDI@LUH, the first information event about NFDI at Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH), took place. In addition to five other consortia, TIB presented NFDI4Chem and the services for…
Vibrational Spectroscopy Ontology Working Group - Call for participation Until now the focus of NFDI4Chem and Ontologies4Chem was mainly contributing to existing ontologies, improving the quality and extending their scope. Our latest activities included the Ontologies4Chem…
Article Published in “Nachrichten aus der Chemie” - NFDI4Chem - Article “Treatment of research data” online now. The article appears in the October issue (2022) of the Journal “Nachrichten aus der Chemie” and highlights the tools and solutions…
Workshop: Ontologies4Chem - The first Ontologies4Chem Workshop organised by NFDI4Chem took place on September 7th - 8th 2022. Over 50 international participants accepted the invitation to the online event. The overarching aim of…
TUCAN: Publication & Interactive Demo Version Online - TUCAN is a canonical serialisation format that is independent of domain-specific concepts of structure and bonding. The atomic number is the only chemical feature that is used to derive the…
Unlimited Embargo in RADAR4Chem - Since the last software release in July 2022, researchers can publish their datasets in RADAR4Chem even with an unlimited embargo. In this case, only the descriptive metadata will be published;…
NFDI4Chem RDM Workshop in Liverpool, UK - Research Data Management is not just a national effort. The lack of data publication is an issue researchers face from all around the globe. Therefore, it is important that we…
Report from the InChI Technical Sessions in Cambridge, UK - Technical sessions were held in-person and virtually from June 17 to 19 for several of the extension projects for the InChI Standard. Topics covered included organometallics, extended stereochemistry and tautomers.…
First Chemistry Paper Using RADAR4Chem - In the research article in the Journal of Computational Chemistry entitled “Geometrical benchmarking and analysis of redox potentials of copper(I/II) guanidine-quinoline complexes: Comparison of semi-empirical tight-binding and DFT methods and…
Guidelines for Sharing in Chemotion - Published in Chemistry-Methods Sharing of data with the scientific community plays an important role in conducting FAIR and sustainable research. As an example, reporting experimental results (also negative ones) in…
Ontologies4Chem: The Landscape of Ontologies in Chemistry Published - Why are ontologies an essential building block not only for NFDI4Chem, but all NFDI? FAIR data is all about human AND machine-readable data. Ontologies are used to semantically describe data,…
Analytica Conference 2022 in Munich - From June 21 to 24, the world’s leading trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis, and biotechnology, the Analytica, took place in Munich. At the accompanying Analytica conference researchers, scientists, users,…
TA-PM Retreat in Berlin - On May 23 and 24 2022 , the FIZ Karlsruhe’s department for mathematics in Berlin hosted the first in person meeting of the NFDI4Chem TA-PMs (task area project managers). The…
Ontologies4Chem Workshop - September 7 & 8, 2022, 14.00 - 18.00 CEST, Online Ontologies are a cornerstone of FAIR machine-readable data. They provide terms, relations and logic to semantically annotate and link research…
Work in Sections/Contribution to the Base4NFDI Proposal - The sections are bodies of the NFDI e.V. in which members of all NFDI consortia work together on various cross-cutting topics of common interest. This spring the sections elected their…
Consortium Meeting 2.5 – Connecting the Dots - On April 28, 2022, members of the NFDI4Chem consortium came together virtually to reflect on the progress of the project so far. Presentations set around three cross-cutting topics and a…
FAIR4Chem Award 2022: And the winner is … Chemistry! - We are currently seeing (and supporting !) the cultural change towards modern, digital research data management (RDM) in chemistry. An important set of criteria for good RDM are the FAIR…
Get to Know the Consortium: TA 5! - Overview of the six task areas Sonja Herres-Pawlis has held the Chair of Bioinorganic Chemistry at RWTH Aachen University since 2015. She studied chemistry at Paderborn, Germany, and Montpellier, France.…
New research data repositories for chemistry and cultural heritage - Researchers in the fields of chemistry and cultural studies now have access to new services for publishing research data. These are based on the established RADAR repository from FIZ Karlsruhe…
The NFDI network collects information about resources for scientists from Ukraine - Putin’s war against Ukraine has left the world in shock. NFDI4Chem stands in solidarity with the people in Ukraine. The NFDI head office is collecting links, contact addresses and services…
FAIR4Chem Award 2022 Winners - And the winner is… FAIR datasets are indeed feasible in chemistry, because where there's a will, there's a way. Of all datasets submitted for the FAIR4Chem Award 2022, two proved…
Data pledge: Let’s lead-by-example! - NFDI4Chem has a clear vision of how chemistry research data will be collected, processed, archived, shared and published. Before our NFDI4Chem’s infrastructure and tools are released, we would like to…
Launch of NFDI4Chem Knowledge Base - Are you confronted with research data management in chemistry and are feeling lost? NFDI4Chem is proud to announce the launch of its knowledge base. We were so impressed by Elixir-Converge’s…
Contributions to Sections in NFDI - NFDI4Chem is actively involved in several of the recently founded sections of NFDI. They tackle overarching tasks across the NFDI consortia. NFDI4Chem and NFDI4Ing jointly coordinate the work in the…
Presenting a New Look - NFDI4Chem launched its new logo in the last quarter of 2021. The simple, clear, and recognisable graphic was designed to align with the key concepts of research data management in…
Short Report on the 2nd Consortium Meeting - NFDI4Chem held its second consortium meeting on 14 and 15 October 2021. The members of the consortium were joined by representatives from all four Advisory Boards. A full programme highlighted…
Get to Know the Consortium: TA 4! - Overview of the six task areas Steffen Neumann Lead of TA 4Leibniz Institute for Plant Biochemistry I am Steffen Neumann - head of the Research Group Bioinformatics and Scientific Data…
1st Editors4Chem Workshop - NFDI4Chem together with Leah McEwen (Cornell University, Ithaca) and Vincent Scalfani (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa) from IUPAC organised the 1st Editors4Chem workshop, which was held on the 3rd of November…
“FAIRThesis” is Funded by the FCI - Funding focused on establishing aspects of digitalisation in chemical education. The teaching project "FAIRThesis" of Prof. Sonja Herres-Pawlis (RWTH Aachen University) and Dr. Nicole Jung (KIT) is supported by the…
Event Throwback: Minimum Information Standards, NFDI4Chem Takes the International Stage – Part I - Efforts for the development of minimum information standards for research data in chemistry have to be addressed in an international context. Thus, Dr. Johannes Hunold (TIB) presented NFDI4Chem’s vision for…
NFDI4Chem Terminology Service Online - The NFDI4Chem Terminology Service release 1.0 has been launched! FAIR data principles call for rich metadata using a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation. Natural language…
Get to Know the Consortium: TA 3! - Overview of the six task areas Matthias Razum Lead of TA 3FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastucture Matthias Razum is head of the e-Research department at FIZ Karlsruhe…
NFDI4Chem Terminology Service Launched - NFDI4Chem proudly announces the launch of its Terminology Service for the Chemistry community. What is it good for, you ask? As you probably know, the FAIR data principles play a…
NFDI4Chem, Consortium “Gemäß Satzung” - NFDI4Chem has been created as a consortium within the NFDI e.V. and has confirmed its spokespersons at its first general meeting. The “Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur eingetragener Verein” (NFDI e.V.; e.V. is…
MassBank on Ice - Did you know that MassBank data is now literally stored on ice for a thousand years? At the beginning of February last year (precisely on 02.02.2020!) GitHub took a snapshot…
Do You Already Know - Allow us to introduce one of our cooperation partners to you, the NMRium project. NMRium is a joint project of Zakodium, a chemoinformatics company from Switzerland, and the DFG-funded IDNMR…
Get to Know the Consortium: TA 2! - Overview of the six task areas Dr. Nicole JungLead of TA 2 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Nicole Jung studied chemistry at the University of Frankfurt am Main. After her diploma…
NFDI4Chem Helpdesk is live - The NFDI4Chem Helpdesk, the first service of the NFDI4Chem is live! The Helpdesk team is the first point of contact for all questions regarding the NFDI4Chem initiative as well as…
“Stammtisch” on the Electronic Laboratory Notebook and Repository “Chemotion” (Throwback) - The Place for Discussions Around Chemotion and more In January, our monthly “Stammtisch” on the electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) and repository Chemotion opened with a brief summary of the NFDI4Chem…
Get to Know the Consortium: TA 1 & 6! - Overview of the six task areas Christoph Steinbeck studied chemistry at the University of Bonn, where he received his diploma and doctoral degree at the Institute of Organic Chemistry. His…
Joint Webinar: Ontologies in Science and Technology (Throwback) - Ontologies can help describe research objects, processes, and results in a way that not only humans but also machines can understand and work with. This paves the way for merging…
NFDI4Chem article published in the “Bunsen-Magazin” - Overview of the First Project Phase The article, published in German, appeared in the 2/2021 issue of the Bunsen-Magazin and gives an overview of NFDI4Chem’s main tasks in the first…
Research Data Management Tutorials for Undergraduate Students - Teaching RDM at the RWTH Aachen University in an inorganic chemistry lab Basic concepts of research data management (RDM) are becoming more and more important in the course of digitizing…
Best Practice: Chemotion as Repository - Start to save your research data in an up-to-date way! The storage of research data according to the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) is crucial for upcoming machine…
Results of the first NFDI4Chem Community Survey published! - This national survey serves as a starting point for all upcoming efforts in research data management in chemistry. Research data management is an important task to make research sustainable and…
Kicking off NFDI4Chem - The NFDI4Chem consortium met in October to mark the official start of the project. On 14 and 15 October, the members of the NFDI4Chem consortium met virtually to kick off…
NFDI4Chem proposal published in RIO Journal - NFDI4Chem is among the first funded NFDI consortia, as the Joint Science Conference (GWK) announced on 26 June 2020. Our successful proposal has been published in RIO Journal and is…
NFDI4Chem statement on Cross-Cutting Topics - The NFDI offers the opportunity to establish a science-driven, open, and high-quality national research data infrastructure. In August 2019, members of 11 consortia met to discuss common challenges posed by…
Materials and Engineering / Chemistry Colloquium - On 17. and 18.12.2019, we defended the NFDI4Chem proposal at DFG Head Office, Bonn before an international panel of reviewers, representatives of NFDI expert panel and members of the DFG.…
NFDI4Chem in CE&N - The American Chemical Society (ACS) journal Chemical and Engineering News (CE&N) discusses NFDI4Chem and other initiatives in an article on FAIR data management in chemistry.
Funding of the “Scientific Data Centre for Molecular Materials Research (MoMaF)” - Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (MWK) is funding the "Science Data Centre for Molecular Materials Research (MoMaF)".The Science Data Center MoMaF develops digitisation modules for scientific data…
National research data infrastructure for chemistry - Workshop report On 30 October, more than 50 participants met at the TIB for the workshop "National Research Data Infrastructure for Chemistry (NFDI4Chem)".Scientists from university and non-university research organisations as…