Talks, Workshops and Networking in Indianapolis and San Francisco.
Earlier this year, NFDI4Chem attended the American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring Meeting in Indianapolis (March 26-30). It was great to see so many experts from around the world at the sessions organised by the ACS Division of Chemical Information (CINF). NFDI4Chem gave presentations to inform the wider community, but was also able to expand its international network of chemical information management stakeholders. The workshops organised by IUPAC proved to be particularly productive.
ACS Fall Meeting
We are particularly looking forward to the ACS Fall Meeting in San Francisco (August 13-17), as the theme of the entire congress is “harnessing the power of data”, which means that this year there will be a special focus on chemical data issues. NFDI4Chem is co-chairing two sessions at the fall meeting: “Helping chemists manage their data” and “Enhancing your data – smart ways to use metadata and knowledge graphs”.

In the first symposium, researchers will tackle challenges related to data management and publication, including the adoption of electronic lab notebooks (ELNs). Manual data collection, errors in data generation, and limited accessibility to matched datasets will be explored. The symposium aims to address these issues and promote the implementation of FAIR principles, overcoming cultural and psychosocial barriers, considering factors such as training, workload, funding, and publishers’ requirements. It will also delve into topics such as ELN integration with instruments, data processing software, transferring data to repositories, and developer/researcher practices in data acquisition and storage.
The second symposium will explore various aspects of data and metadata, including formats, standards and terminologies, to enable the creation and use of machine-actionable data in applications such as electronic lab notebooks and knowledge graphs. Rich metadata and ontologies are essential to provide context for meaningful knowledge generation from data.
Please join us either in person or virtually to learn about and/or improve tools & standards for data management in chemistry: