On November 20 and 21, the first Base4NFDI User Conference took place at Fraunhofer FOKUS in Berlin. The two-day event, which is primarily designed for members of the NFDI community, was organized by the Base4NFDI initiative. A key objective of the conference was to present the current basic services as well as future candidates to the NFDI community to explain how they can be integrated and whom to contact for assistance. As part of the interactive program, individual aspects of the various services were explained and the institutions that will support the implementation of these services were presented.

At the user conference, NFDI4Chem was represented by several members of the consortium (see photo) from all task areas. In addition, many exciting talks and poster presentations, the participants had the chance to get in touch with the people behind the services. These networking opportunities will strengthen our connection to the basic services and will enrich our extensive involvement in the NFDI sections. Therefore, we would like to thank the organisers for two days full of interesting presentations and productive exchange.