Did you know that you can book a free in-house workshop on research data management at NFDI4Chem, e.g. for two days?
Our last RDM-Workshop took place in mid-June in Stuttgart, at CRC 1333. There, our two trainers taught a total of 24 participants on the topic of “Fair RDM: Basics for chemists”.
The workshop can also include content that has been previously agreed with the Institute. In Stuttgart, for example, our partner Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pleiss gave a lecture on a bottom-up concept of an RDM and many best practices from CRC 1333 were taken up. In addition, ELNs already available in CRC1333 were tested together with ELN experts.

Are you also interested? We have a permanent team of 4 trainers, train groups of up to 100 people and can implement ready-made concepts as well as individual arrangements. The duration of the workshop can be flexibly adapted to your needs.
If you are interested, simply contact us.