Yes we can … be excellent chemists and publish FAIR data
As in previous years, a pleasing number of chemists have applied for the FAIR4Chem Award 2024 – pleasing, because it shows that FAIR data and excellent science are not a contradiction in terms.
This year we had a single winner: Robin Lenz from the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden.

He submitted a dataset on the topic “Database of Raman and ATR-FTIR spectra of weathered and biofouled polymers”.
We were delighted to present the award to our winner on March 14, 2024 at the spring conference of the Young Chemists Forum in Ulm.
The FAIR4Chem Award 2024 aims to encourage chemists to make their research data openly available to the chemical community in accordance with the FAIR principles. To this end, the best dataset(s) will be awarded 500 euros each year (financed by the Chemical Industry Fund).