Second overview of NFDI collaborations published

The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in Germany has established itself after a two-and-a-half-year development phase and now comprises 26 consortia covering various disciplines. The main goal of the NFDI is to establish an interdisciplinary research data infrastructure and to make scientific research more efficient.

NFDI-Knowledge Graph - NFDI4Chem

An overview from January 2023 described the extensive collaborative activities between the consortia for the first time. This diverse and dynamic collaboration has only grown since then. This is reflected in the new 2024 publication.

A tabular overview provides detailed information on the type and scope of the collaborations, the number of which has doubled since the last publication. NFDI4Chem is and was involved in 76 of 144 bilateral and multilateral collaborations. We plan to intensify this collaborative efforts in the future.

Among other things, the close cooperation is intended to harmonize interdisciplinary services in order to simplify their use for interdisciplinary scientists. This overview of collaborations is updated annually to further document the development and progress of collaborative activities.

The NFDI pursues a coordinated and systematic approach to research data management and promotes the exchange of knowledge and technologies across different scientific disciplines. Our initiative thus contributes to strengthening the research landscape in Germany and creates a solid foundation for future scientific breakthroughs.