Last week, the “FAIR Research Data Management: Basics for Chemists” workshop team stopped in Hannover for a successful RDM-Workshop. Together with the local RDM support team ( namely Dr. Janna Neumann and Dr. Volker Soßna and 18 participants, we had two productive days and delved into the basics of research data management in chemistry. This time we had a special discussion around the topic of how to start using an ELN and what you might need to keep in mind.
We want to thank Dr. Markus Scheidgen from FAIRmat for joining us online to present NOMAD and NOMAD Oasis to the participants. It was a great addition to the workshop and enriched the special session on electronic lab notebooks.
We already have further workshops planned this year. If you and/or your working group or institute is interested in learning the basics of FAIR RDM to be prepared for the future, then contact us and we will come to you!