About FAIR Data – Johanna R. Bruckner
Interview with Dr. Johanna R. Bruckner, winner of the FAIR4Chem Award 2023.
Interview with Dr. Johanna R. Bruckner, winner of the FAIR4Chem Award 2023.
2 Afternoon Sessions (CET time) on October 11 & 12 Ontologies are a holistic approach to semantically describe data, information and knowledge of a domain. They provide terms, relations and […]
Research Data Management is not just a national effort. The lack of data publication is an issue researchers face from all around the globe. Therefore, it is important that we […]
NFDI4Chem has been created as a consortium within the NFDI e.V. and has confirmed its spokespersons at its first general meeting. The “Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur eingetragener Verein” (NFDI e.V.; e.V. is […]
Nicole Jung studied chemistry at the University of Frankfurt am Main. After her diploma in 2004 she changed to KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (formerly: University Karlsruhe (TH)), where she […]