The Advisory Boards
NFDI4Chem has four Advisory Boards (ABs). They provide independent and scientific support and advice to the consortium. The ABs assist NFDI4Chem in ensuring the project’s strategy and progress in terms of meeting the project’s perspectives.
The consortium will be reporting relevant progress, open issues and planned activities to the individual AB at least once a year either in a physical or virtual meeting.
Scope of Advice
The ABs will give advice on all aspects of NFDI4Chem. Individual ABs may focus on certain of the following aspects, pertaining to their specific fields of expertise:
- The scientific and technological vision of NFDI4Chem
- Periodic evaluation of the project’s progress and usability of its services (as established)
- Community interests, (potential) users of services and generators and submitters of data
- Staffing, organisation and management
- National, European and international issues
- Collaborative global context
- Uptake of NFDI4Chem recommendations across all stakeholder groups and international alignment (including scientific community, industry, publishers)
Term of Membership
Members are invited into the respective ABs for a period of two years, initially, but can be invited multiple times.
AB National Community
The AB National Community consists of members from relevant subject areas in Chemistry. Additionally, members from national learned societies in Chemistry may attend the AB meetings as guests to establish a close link with researchers and organisations performing research in Germany.
Members |
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Dehnen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Prof. Dr. Rainer Herges, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Laufer, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen |
Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik, Universität Leipzig |
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schomburg, TU Braunschweig, BRICS (im Ruhestand) |
AB Industry
The AB Industry comprises representatives of companies developing data producing equipment, data management systems and data analysis solutions. It will provide insights on data formats and software, and support disseminating the NFDI4Chem recommendations and processes for inclusion into future software developments.
Members |
Dr. Karl-Heinz Baringhaus, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH |
Dr. Peter Ertl, Novartis |
Dr. Greg Landrum, ETH Zurich |
Dr. Joachim Richert, BASF SE |
Prof. Dr. Achim Zielesny, GNWI |
Dr. Josef Eiblmaier, Osthus |
AB International
The AB International complements the ABs described above and below, with a special focus on international organisations and individuals which are lighthouses of collaboration and alignment of efforts to collect, store, process, analyse, disclose and re-use research data.
Members |
Dr. Evan Bolton, NCBI |
Ian Bruno, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (CCDC) |
Leah Rae McEwen, Cornell University, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
Dr. Philippe Rocca-Serra, Oxford e-Research Centre, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford |
Dr. Antony Williams, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
AB Publishers
The AB Publishers will provide insights on research data associated with scientific publications. Recruiting Board members across all major publishing groups will lay the foundation for including NFDI4Chem recommendations and processes into guidelines for authors, editors and reviewers. Future manuscript submission systems should support compliance with the guidelines.
Members |
Dr. Guido Herrmann, Wiley VCH |
Ross Hildrew, Elsevier |
Richard Kidd, Royal Society of Chemistry |
Dr. Wendy Warr, Wendy Warr & Associates |
Dr. Egon Willighagen, Maastricht University |