Advancing Digital Transformation in Chemistry

Insights from Recent Surveys

We are excited to announce two publications that highlight the current state as well as ongoing efforts and progress of the digital transformation within the chemistry community. These papers provide in-depth analyses of interviews and two surveys conducted among scientists, researchers, and beyond.

1. “Where Are We Really in the Digital Transformation?”

Authors: Jochen Ortmeyer, Daniela Hausen, and Sonja Herres-Pawlis
Published in: Nachrichten aus der Chemie, April 2024

This article examines the current state of digital transformation in chemistry, including the efforts of NFDI4Chem. It provides insights from NFDI4Chem’s latest survey (2023), which was conducted among chemists to understand their data management practices. Highlights include:

  • Community engagement: Results from the survey with 813 respondents reveal practices and identify ongoing challenges in data management.
  • Adoption of electronic lab notebooks (ELNs): Reports increased usage of ELNs, with 30% of respondents using them.
  • Long-term data archiving: Notes a trend towards more structured and diversified data archiving methods.

Access the full article here.

2. “Road to a Chemistry-Specific Data Management Plan”

Authors: Daniela Hausen, Ann-Christin Andres, Jochen Ortmeyer, and Sonja Herres-Pawlis
Published in: Data Science Journal, April 2024

This paper presents a comprehensive study by the NFDI4Chem consortium, focusing on the development of a discipline-specific data management plan (DMP) for chemistry. The research involved interviews with 27 participants and a pre-conducted online survey. Key findings include:

  • Challenges in implementing the FAIR principles: Significant hurdles exist, particularly in data findability and reusability.
  • Linking physical samples and data: Emphasises the need for robust documentation and storage practices.
  • Future recommendations: Offers insights into improving research data management (RDM) resources, policy implementation, and software usage (e.g., ELNs).

Access the full article here.

These publications can provide valuable insights and guidance for chemists and research institutions aiming to improve their RDM practices. The adoption of digital tools and a commitment to the FAIR principles are essential steps towards a more efficient and collaborative research environment. We invite you to explore these studies and join us in our efforts to improve RDM in chemistry.