Interim Report published

Our progress in data management in chemistry is outlined in our latest report for the DFG, highlighting the steps we have taken to integrate a data-centric approach within the chemistry community. This interim report offers a comprehensive overview of our data management activities, covering the reporting period from October 2020 to August 2023

  • The shift to digital tools in research documentation is driven by our work with Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs), such as Chemotion ELN, offering systematic data storage for easy retrieval and sharing.
  • We focus on developing repositories, such as Chemotion repository and RADAR4Chem, which fulfil the needs for the storage of chemical data.
  • The NFDI4Chem Search Service ensures easy data access from our repositories.
  • Our efforts extend to community engagement through conference visits and online presence, aimed at creating awareness for (digital) research data management and connecting to chemistry students and researchers.
  • Our training programs have reached over 600 participants to date. Initiatives like the FAIR4Chem award and the Chemistry Data Days promote cultural change towards FAIR data.
  • Our Editors4Chem initiative collaborates with publishers for standardised data management
  • The Ontologies4Chem workshops organised by our consortium promote the ontology development in the field.

You find this report (among others) in our publication list or on the rio website,